Certification Renewal
Microsoft has changed the certification renewal process so now instead of having to take the certification exam/s every 2 years, you just have to complete renewal assessment every year.
You only renew certifications so if you for example earned Azure Solutions Architect Expert certification by passing the AZ-303 and AZ-304 you only need to do one assessment for the certification. It doesn’t matter that the exams changed in the meantime as long as the certification itself isn’t being retired.
You also don’t need to hold the prerequisite certification for you to renew expert certifications, those are not tied to each other. But it is highly recommended to renew all certifications because the process is way easier than if you had to take the exams in the future (also the system is broken so you have to create tickets to be able to take the exams again and to get the certification manually renewed).
Renewal assessment:
- Consists of around 25-40 questions (depending on the question bank you randomly get)
- It is an open book test so you can freely use the internet to help you with the answering
- Has no time limit to complete it
- After the initial 2 attempts you have to wait 24h before attempting it again
- You will get the chance to pass the assessment 180 days before the certification expires so you get a lot of chances and losing the certificate is only caused because you didn’t want to do it
- Shows you how you did in the areas you are being tested on
- Is free!
You can access the renewals in your certification dashboard here: Microsoft Certification Dashboard