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New Revamp & Changes

Style & Theme

A lot of the pages have been changed, we now have a purple colored theme and a new documentation style. This includes a better sidebar and several other minor QOL changes (e.g. broken links). Moreover the documentation has been restructured making it more organized and consistent.

New MSFThub Page

Exam Collection

New Wiki Page

This page contains all the exams with their respective names making it easier to find the exam you’re looking for rather than having to go through the sidebar. This page also contains the exam codes and the respective exam names. It’s an overall nicer way to view the exams and the link should be a one stop shop for all your exam needs.

Blog Section

You’ll find the link to this page in the sidebar. This page contains all the blog posts that have been made on the site. You’ll also find it on the top right of the header. This is a good way to keep up with the latest news and updates on the site.

The new edit button on exam documentation

This brings us to a conclusion of the changes made to the site. We hope you enjoy the new changes and we hope to see you around!

Technical Changes

Minor internal changes, Starlight was updated to the latest version. A lot more internal Starlight components are being used now to make the look better and a new blog plugin was added to the site.